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Self-Assessment Tax Returns | When Should You File Yours?

by Thomas Nock Martin | Jun 25, 2019 | Tax

self-assessment tax returns

Summary. HMRC publishes an annual list identifying the right time for filing self-assessment tax returns online, including exclusions due to specific job circumstances. Checking this list ensures accurate tax filing, as ignorance or disregard may result in incorrect tax payments.


Every year HMRC publishes a list of when the right time is for you to file your self-assessment tax returns online. The list highlights which groups of people are excluded because of the special circumstances of their job. Filing incorrectly can lead to you paying the wrong amount of tax so it is essential to keep yourself informed and up to date. 


Filing my self assessment tax returns – how do I know if my circumstances are on the list?

HMRC has published version 1 of the self-assessment online filing exclusions for 2018/19. It’s important to check this list carefully so that you’re aware of tax exclusions and can file your self-assessment tax returns accordingly. It should be clear from reading the list if this affects you. 

Certain groups, such as MPs and ministers of religion, have always been excluded from filing personal self-assessment tax returns online. The list updates annually, adding new groups to the exclusions or advising them against online submission

Ignoring this advice or being ignorant to it may result in you paying the wrong amount of tax. 


What steps should I take if my circumstances are on the list?

If your circumstances appear on the list, download the paper forms, complete and submit these instead. The 31 October deadline for filing paper returns is effectively extended to 31 January where the return is covered by an exclusion from online filing. To avoid penalty if you miss the October deadline you should complete a reasonable excuse for not filing online form, which explains that you have submitted on paper because exclusion applies to your job. HMRC will accept this as a reasonable excuse for submitting your form after the deadline has passed.


What happens if I file online anyway?

Recent changes in the taxation of savings income and dividends have significantly expanded the exclusion list. This may prevent HMRC’s system from processing tax returns correctly, potentially leading to incorrect tax payments or unprocessed returns.


Looking for some advice?

If you would like advice on when to file self-assessment tax returns, how to calculate self-assessment, or general tax support then head to our website today.

For more Brierley Hill tax support or to speak to a Thomas Nock Martin accountant, call 01384 261300. 

If you have found this blog helpful you may wish to read our previous blog on Making Tax Digital

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