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VAT Reduction In Hospitality: What Does It Mean? - TNMCA Jun 13, 2022 | VAT

Changes To VAT Rates: What Does This Mean?

Summary. The vat reduction hospitality experienced in October 2021 benefited many businesses post-COVID, attracting consumers with better prices. However, by April 2022, VAT returned to 20%, altering the VAT Flat Rate Scheme percentages and impacting hospitality sectors. Thomas Nock Martin offers guidance on navigating these changes.   Since the 1st of October 2021, the hospitality […]

VAT registration May 25, 2021 | VAT

VAT Registration For Your Business | Everything You Need To Know

If you have any questions about VAT registration or need VAT support and advice, then Contact Thomas Nock Martin accountants today. Our team will be happy to help and can check that your company is operating within the law.  

HMRC VAT enquiries Feb 07, 2021 | VAT

HMRC VAT Enquiries Explained

We are specialists in small business tax UK, which means we can offer the right guidance for your circumstance. If you’re looking for guidance on HMRC VAT enquiries, then contact Thomas Nock Martin today.

VAT partial exemption Dec 21, 2020 | VAT

VAT Partial Exemption | Do You Know What You’re Entitled To?

Our experienced accountants can make reclaiming VAT (even partial exemption) a simple and smooth process.  Contact us today.

EU VAT refund Jul 18, 2019 | VAT

EU VAT Refund | Everything You Need To Know

Summary. Learn how the EU VAT refund simplifies reclaiming VAT on purchases made abroad. Since January 1, 2010, an EU directive streamlines refunds for VAT-registered businesses via tax authority websites. This applies to goods and services, reducing VAT costs for non-resident businesses. Ensure proper procedures to avoid HMRC rejections, submit by September 30th.   You’re […]

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