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Why Small Businesses Should Use An Accountant

by Thomas Nock Martin | Mar 20, 2022 | Business Advice, Tax

small business taxation services & financial support

Summary. Small business financial support is crucial for success, especially for new entrepreneurs. TNMCA offers services like ensuring accurate financial numbers, saving money, monitoring cash flow, aiding in business planning, and managing growth to assist businesses in their financial journey.


Have you recently become a small business owner? If you have, you may be encompassing new challenges everyday. However, in order for your business to succeed you will need financial support. Whether you have been in business for years or just starting out, it will benefit your business to have an expert’s perspective. Here at TNMCA, our finance and taxation services can support you in running your business.

How do I manage my business’s finances? As a business owner, small or not, it is your responsibility to ensure that all finances are taken care of. Therefore, by hiring chartered accountants the weight can be taken off your shoulders. As leading chartered accountants in Brierley Hill, we will approach your finances in a way that you will understand. Our taxation services are transparent, honest, and simple.

In today’s article, we’re going to look at how an accountant can help your small businesses, hopefully delivering you the answers you’re looking for.

1. Ensure Accurate Numbers 

The first and foremost reasoning behind hiring an accountant is assuring that your numbers are always accurate. Dealing with your taxes may sound straightforward, but taxes are always changing and can be very complicated. Paying more tax is never ideal for a business’s budget, and if you underpay, HMRC will likely get in touch with you. Therefore, it is vital to keep your accounts up to date.

By hiring an accountancy firm, experts can accurately calculate all of your outgoings and incomings. This includes expenses and allowances, avoiding any costly disputes and establishing significant savings.

2. Save You Money 

How do accountants save your business money? Part of an accountant’s job is to keep up to date with tax law. Consequently, they’ll be able to identify ways in which you can reduce your tax bill. So, you will see a more significant return. This is done by sourcing the most tax-efficient strategies, such as expenses and government incentives.

3. Monitor Cash Flow 

Why should businesses monitor cash flow? Monitoring cash flow is an essential task for any business. When overlooked, this can cause detrimental effects on a company, especially start-ups, as they’re less likely to survive when in debt. By hiring a tax accountant like ourselves, we will keep on top of your cash flow,  ensuring that you’re protected against risks. In addition, giving your investors and stakeholders (if you have them) that well-received confidence.

4. Business Planning 

What is a business plan? A business plan is a formally written document that goes through a business’s goals, as well as states the methods of how to attain these goals. At the early stages of setting up a business, it’s crucial to draw up a business plan that outlines all figures and forecasts. This is so that your company has the best chances of success from the beginning.

By hiring chartered accountants, we can help you set solid foundations in the key areas. This includes your business model and legal structure. Additionally, if you have an accountant sign off on your business plan, you are more likely to appeal to investors.

5. Growth  

If your business undergoes sudden growth that wasn’t planned or prepared for, this can be just as problematic as no growth. Cash flow, tax, location, employees and everything else  can be on the line, leaving you no choice but to take a step backwards. However, if you hire a chartered accountant, we can react quickly and efficiently, effectively making your  growth spurt an advantage to your business.

TNMCA Financial Support & Taxation Services 

There are many other benefits to acquiring finance and taxation services for your small business. For instance, bookkeeping, auditing, keeping on top of regulations and offering advice, to name a few. If you’re a small business owner who requires financial support and guidance with your taxes, we can help. Get in touch with the expert team at Thomas Nock Martin Chartered Accountants on 01384 261300 for more information. 

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